Welcome to RHC's Deaf Ministry!
(For Captions, click the [CC] at the bottom of the video.)
Deaf Ministry
Welcome to the Deaf Ministry at Redemption Hill Church! We are a part of a blended community of both Deaf and Hearing followers of Jesus, seeking to serve Christ together in unity. Our desire is this: to love and encourage each other (and the CODA’s in our midst) through the unique hardships experienced as Deaf and/or Hard of Hearing people, as brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Redemption Hill Church provides ASL interpretation for our 10am worship service. You can watch the worship service live, or see past services, here.

ASL Life Group
RHC's Deaf ministry has a mid-week Bible Study in ASL during the church's Wednesday night "NightLife." From 6:00-6:30pm, we have a church meal followed by our adult Bible studies. The Deaf are currently discussing Christ's work in us through Paul's letter to the Philippians.

Contact Us
For questions and more information, please contact Associate Pastor Roddey Caughman by VP: 412-714-2994, or email: Caughman.RHC@gmail.com. Or contact Deacon Matt Chopek by VP: 570-497-3374, or email: luigi18301@yahoo.com.
Ministries to Help You Grow Closer to Jesus Christ
DBS is actively translating the Bible into the various sign languages of the World.
Developed by Deaf Missions, this website provides the whole Bible translated from the original languages to ASL.
Deaf Missions has been ministering the Gospel for many years. Their mission statement states that they seek to "clearly communicate the Gospel of Jesus with Deaf people through their heart language, culture and identity."
Deaf Harbor has been active in translating the Bible using a chronological approach. They also provide retreats, video devotionals and ASL Christian music videos.
A ministry of the Deaf Harbor, this website helps individuals find a local church that ministers to the Deaf community.
A ministry of Deaf Harbor, Deaf Bible provides the Bible translated into ASL in chronological order. An excellent tool for presenting God's plan of redemption from Creation to the Return of Christ.
An outstanding resource for all ages, but targeting mainly young Deaf adults with the Gospel. Their mission statement says that they want "To inspire generations of Deaf believers to radically follow, apply, and practice the life of Christ by developing digital biblical content, events, and resources in American Sign Language that will impact the local church, and expose the message of the Gospel to Deaf people."
Along with many original teaching material, DMP has also interpreted many video resources on the Bible into ASL. Highly recommended!
Active in Bible translation, church planting and evangelism.
Bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Deaf children and their families.
BGEA is developing a couple of platforms to bring the Gospel to the Deaf:
A Facebook page for Deaf Christians to interact and share stories of the life in Christ.
Know Jesus ASL, is a free course designed for the deaf community that introduces the basics of what it means to know Jesus and live as a Christian. It is an individual course with a one-on-one mentor we call a Coach.
The purpose of Silent Word Ministries, Inc. and the Silent Word Mission Board is to fulfill the Great Commission by evangelizing the Deaf world and edifying deaf ministries for the Glory of God. SWM hosts Bible Conferences for the Deaf and Interpreter Training Workshops (RID approved) each year in different locations around the country.
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