Building love for Jesus and God's Word in students of all ages.
On Sunday mornings, we offer nursery care for babies to age 4. During that time, we offer age-appropriate Bible readings and activities.
We have classes that meet during the sermon in an effort to meet children at their level of understanding. The number of classes and the age/grade breaks vary based on the children's needs. Parents are not required to send their children to these classes, but we do encourage that. In these classes, the children read through the most prominent Old Testament and New Testaments books of the Bible.
Our Youth Group is open to middle and high schoolers. They meet during the NightLife ministry, You can drop off middle and high schoolers or stay and participate in adult Life Groups. Our Youth Group is a great space for students to mature in their love for the Lord, personal understanding of the faith, and care for each other. If you have questions, you can email Ben Robel. It is essential for teens to learn, not simply by sitting and reading, but also by doing. Therefore, many of our youth group age students participate in helping on Sunday morning, advancing slides, running sound, serving as greeters or in the nursery, and are also active in encouraging our church to stay generous in donations to the Cloverleaf Food Pantry in Elizabeth. We know that spiritual maturity requires faith in action.